星期日, 11月 19, 2006

hamster newsletter #3

Chichung’s choice

發片後的hamster並沒有停下來 ,聯絡 | 對話 | 溝通 | - 我們看重人與人的聯繫,也慶幸得到別人的回應,你聽了我們的音樂有回應嗎?

想閱讀黃志淙先生對我們音樂的回應,請上我們的網站 www.hamster-music.com

We didn’t just stop. We keep contacting, connecting and communicating. We feel so honoured to have you as our listeners. Mr. Wong Chi Chung has told us his feeling to our songs. Now, it's your turn!

Video Out Now

hamster除了聲音,還有其他可能性,在band時間訪問和Kubrick Live的錄像,也可在我們的網站找到。

Seeing is believing. Come to feel our tension in the live performance of Kubrick Live and CR2 Interview by viewing the video in our web site.

2nd Gig


Gig, gig, gig. Join our coming live performance at Cattle Depot Book Fair 2006.
Venue Cattle Depot, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan
Time: 4th December 2006 8pm

