不知不覺hamster發片已過了一季,不是很長的日子,但對hamster來說,這是熱鬧的一季。期間有幸遊走於各媒體,有文字、有光影、有預備好的、有突發性的…還好現在的科技讓我們可作記錄, 大家可到我們的
It's been one quarter of year after releasing the debut album
. We feel so blessed to have chances to share our music to you through different media. Please come to our webpage to view the latest uploads.
The latest uploads:
1. 新城電台的訪問節錄 Interview@Metro Radio (2007.01.15-19): Photos 相片 | Interview recording 訪問錄音
2. hamster live@Lab Yellow
工業區內的三次遊樂 - 與觀眾距離很近的live。Three consecutive performances on a industrial playground.
3. hamster@MOOV
hamster is now on MOOV.hamster進駐MOOV。